duminică, 3 mai 2015

Conscious Parenting w/ Marie Forleo & Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Just SOME of the main ideas of this amazing interview: 

* If you honor the inner voice in yourself, you will hold it sacred in others.

* It all starts from within!

* Authenticity, worth, self-orientation, inner introspection, inner reflection become the pillars of raising a child.
  Not success, not grades, not beauty, not wealth. It's all in the inner dimension.

* All external behavior are a mirror of the internal landscape!

* Did I live with my authentic voice today?
  Did I speak up today?
  Did I do what my heart told me to do, rather than staying in my head?
  Was I allowed to be in stillness?
  Did I detach from all external pressure?

* If you're not feeling good inside, none of the external success matters.

* Stay in touch with your own truth! 

I love both these great ladies, you can find more about them and their work on their official pages:

Marie Forleo

Dr. Shefali Tsabary